COMMON has been bringing communities, cultures and religions together for over ten years. Not associated with one particular council, it has played a part in helping many councils start their own interfaith initiatives and helped create a stepping stone of dialogue, understanding and acceptance revolving around the key date of 21st September which is the UN International Day of Peace.
For the past fifteen years, COMMON has had an event on this day at a different place of worship within a different council in Victoria. Each event bringing a new group of like-minded and passionate people together to create change towards a brighter, better and more universal Victoria.
COMMON has had representatives which have helped the Australian Curriculum Authority towards including Interfaith content as part of the national curriculum. It’s faith representatives have been part of many initiatives, projects and events. It has encouraged, developed and promoted Interfaith and Multicultural diversity of Melbourne. Creating unity within the diversity of this great city.
Please let us know if we can be of any assistance to you or your organisation. We look forward to all future collaborations.
Above is the MultiChant done at the 2012 International Peace Day
Centre of Melbourne Multi-Faith & Others Network is a community of people that belong to a variety of ethnic, religious & faith groups, that come together to create understanding, unity, harmony and peace at a grassroots level within the wider community.

Proudly Presented by COMMON (Centre of Melbourne Multifaith & Others Network) & Supported by WIN (Women’s Interfaith Network) Foundation, Youth for Human Rights & Victorian Multicultural Commission.
AGM is 22 November 2016.
If you are interested in attending meetings:
Please RSVP to Jessiee Kaur Singh if you are attending on: 0411300655 or email: jessieeks@hotmail(dot)com

C – Cultural
A – Awareness
R – Religious
E – Education
Please come along to the next meeting to contribute to discussions and show your support for this concept.
Anand Shome (Vice President of COMMON) has compiled a report of InterFaith activity for URI happening in addition to other Major events. Please click here to read his report.
The Faith Communities Council of Victoria have a very inclusive diary of all the InterFaith events happening around Victoria. Click here to be redirected to their website…
For more information or to contact COMMON Project Manager, please email